Scenery Development


Scenery Development


Its the most dangerous runway of all times anyway - and now i recognized my nightmare is back! The phantom of bamboo strikes again. Impossible to taxi any kind of airplane on the runway without passing the line of death where a invisible force causes the engine get injured if you departure and a complete reset of the flight if you pass the area after landing. 

So i decided to close the runway and build a new one. 

Scenery Development


After the Postcartoonish destinations of Krabi, the Islands Part 1+2 - an excursion full of beauty and island romance, my next project ties in with the village life on the mainland. Places where no tourists dare. Here is a private airport with all its quirks and indigenous peculiarities. Here you meet the dark side of paradise, with drug cultivation, illegal gold miners, pollution, secret testing labs of foreign companies and the deforestation of the rainforest.